The dataset is the result of an analysis of the publication and citation networks of all previous editions of the three conferences most relevant to the Formal Concept Analysis community: ICFCA, ICCS and CLA
All metadata (title and authors) of papers published at the ICCS (1993-2011), ICFCA (2003-2011), and CLA (2004-2011) conferences have been analysed, including citations (title, authors, year). The data was retrieved from the conference/publisher websites and extensively cleaned and normalized (automatically and manually).
Additional details about the creation of the dataset can be found in the corresponding paper (Doerfel et al., 2012).
The dataset is available at
Application use
The original intention for the creation and analysis of the data was to gain more insights into the structure of the FCA community and its relationship to closely related disciplines.
For example, newcomers could get a faster access to the community by being pointed to the must-read
papers and to the different schools of thought that are attending these conferences, as well as long-term participants of one or more of these conference series could gauge their perception about their community.
Each analysis could be extended to a comparison of different settings or methods, e.g., one might try different clustering algorithms to validate the communities found in (Doerfel et al., 2012). For example, the highly interesting structure of the FCA community that can be read off the co-author graph could be investigated further.
Which kind of subcommunities exist? Which authors are bridges between different communities?
Can roles like student, supervisor, etc. be identified?
A temporal dimension analysis would reveal developments and trends of the conferences. It could also
allow to judge the vitality of the communities in the co-author graph.